Frequently asked questions
What are your plans for the property at Shark's Cove?
  1. Short term - We have been working with the appropriate agencies to come up with a plan that keeps the businesses operating, with some reduction in use and impact on the site. This plan includes the permanent closure of the Pahoe Road access, paved parking, stormwater management, and clear parking signage.
  2. Long term – We continue to move forward with the plan approved by the Honolulu City Council. The future Rural Community Commercial Center will provide space for a variety of goods and services for the local community.
What types of businesses will be included in the future center?
Some of the uses being considered include an urgent care clinic, eating establishment, bank, and ocean related businesses and shops. Our goal is to work with local businesses that service the needs of the community.
How much more traffic will your development generate?
As the center will not be a destination, we don’t believe it will generate more than what is already existing. We have worked extensively with a traffic planner to confirm that the redevelopment will not dramatically increase traffic.
What are you going to do about runoff and the sewage you generate?
We are very environmentally sensitive and protecting Shark’s Cove is of the highest importance to us. We've installed a wastewater treatment unit that surpasses the abilities of a septic tank. It is a state of the art unit that allows us to reuse our water. Approved by the Department of Health, the unit cleans our wastewater well enough to reuse it for irrigating our landscape, ultimately helping protect the reef.
How can I stay informed about the latest developments with the project?
Please follow McCully's Corner on social media for the latest updates. In addition, this website will have regularly updated information.
How has the public be involved in planning your project?
We spent more than three years getting community feedback, attending neighborhood board meetings, conducting surveys, and talking to countless individuals to develop the plan we feel best serves the North Shore. We still welcome any and all comments.
Where are you in the Major SMA process?
We completed the SMA permitting process in November of 2018 and received a 9-0 vote for approval from the Honolulu City Council. This permit included an extensive EIS with studies conducted by the following consultants:

- Archaeology and Cultural Survey – Keala Pono Archaeological Consulting, LLC
- Ocean, Marine Biology, and Water Quality – Marine Research Consultants, Inc.
- Noise Study – Y. Ebisu & Associates
- Transportation Impact Analysis Report – Fehr & Peers
- Groundwater Assessment – Tom Nance Water Resource Engineering
- Geotech – Geolabs
- Flora & Fauna – AECOS, Inc.
- Site Civil Engineering (Drainage, Water, Wastewater, Utilities) – G70 Civil Engineering
- Planning & Architecture – G70
Why did you decide to do an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) versus an Environmental Assessment (EA)?
We understand that our project only requires an EA for the Major SMA submittal but we felt that given the environmental sensitivities of Shark’s Cove as a marine sanctuary we decided it was best to do a full EIS.
What is the timeline for the redevelopment?
The EIS and SMA permitting process was completed in 2018 and we are currently preparing for the next steps for the redevelopment.
"Please help support and save our local small businesses here on the North Shore. I know first hand that these businesses are good for the community and they give back by buying local"
Pua Myrna-anne Kelliher
North Shore Resident