SMA Minor Construction
New BMPs as designed in the SMA Minor permit were put in place before any sitework commenced. Sitework for the SMA Minor full buildout is nearly complete. The parking lot was paved on May, 28th in accordance with the SMA Minor plan and building permits. Grading work, including construction of the bioswales for stormwater retention is complete. Special care was taken to avoid any grading work during heavy rainstorms. Hanapohaku submitted a fence permit for the remaining portion along Pahoe Road on May 19th. Once this permit is received, construction will begin within 30 days as required by the settlement.
Tenant Compliance
All trucks completed their required two moves in May with some being off site for multiple days. Single-use plastics, plastic straws, and non-reef-safe sunscreen continue to be prohibited for all tenants. Tour buses continue to be prohibited from the site. All tenants have been notified to remind customers to use the crosswalk at Pupukea Road when crossing Kamehameha Highway. Any signs within 30 feet of the highway have been removed.
Baseline Inspection Report and Compliance
Inspectors from DPP visited the property unannounced in February, and conducted a baseline inspection of the entire property. Hanapohaku and others received the report on February 23rd. Hanapohaku has since reviewed the report including the photos and required changes described in it. All tents required to be removed were immediately taken down. The signs included in the report have all been removed. The electrical violations have been addressed and are awaiting a final inspection at the completion of the SMA minor construction.
Permitting Update
On April 1st, Hanapohaku’s attorneys requested via letter to the DPP director a three year extension of the SMA major permit due to delays resulting from litigation and COVID. On May 12th, at the request of the City Council’s Zoning Chair, Hanapohaku, through its legal counsel, submitted a sixty (60) day extension request for the City Council to consider Resolution 21-115. We were subsequently notified that the Zoning Chair will be considering the SMA extension resolution (Reso 21-115) in the Committee’s June 17th meeting.
Website Information
All Hotline inquiries have been posted to the website. Due to a glitch by our web host some messages were not delivered and not responded to immediately. This has been corrected and every email has been addressed. Communication thread with responses posted below. A monthly update with all required information was posted to the website on May 31, 2021.
Submitted content
Name: Yvonne Alexander
Yesterday on my way to Foodland I noticed a tour bus (Da Surf Bus) parked on the Shark's Cove side of Kamehameha Highway. The tour guide was letting people out of the bus and the tourists were crossing the highway to eat at the Food Trucks. This was a dangerous situation as there is no crosswalk and the bus itself was presenting a hazard.
Hi Yvonne,
Apologies for the delay in responding to your message. Unfortunately there was a malfunction with the webform. I've attached the email thread below sharing the tech difficulties and the resolution. We immediately tried to resolve this last night after it was brought to our attention during our attendance at the Sunset Beach Community Association. It is working fine now.
We have explicitly told all of the tenants that no tour buses are allowed on the property. We also have instructed all tenants to ask everyone to use the crosswalk at Pupukea Road in order to cross Kamehameha Highway. We will continue to monitor this issue and enforce the conditions in the settlement.
Submitted content
Name: John Thielst
Couple requests
1. Can you rake out and remove the two rocks outside your property line where you had planted that tree and the end of the planter boxes a couple months ago on the Pahoe road side
2. Can you move your green slit control logs up against your planter boxes along Pahoe rod please. Absolutely no reason to have them where they are now..
Thank you for your attention to these maters
Hi John,
Apologies for the delay in responding to your message. Unfortunately there was a malfunction with the webform. I've attached the email thread below sharing the tech difficulties and the resolution. We immediately tried to resolve this last night after it was brought to our attention during our attendance at the Sunset Beach Community Association. It is working fine now.
We have moved the two rocks and we'll move the filter socks per your request, hopefully today.
Submitted content
Name: Angela Huntemer
Aloha, I submitted a query about your construction on May 4th and have not received a reply. I was asking whether there should be a dust fence (the tall black fabric ones on a wooden frame). I see you have a low loose/temporary orange plastic fence around some of the areas you are working on. Do you have preventers for potential runoff around the construction areas? Please lmk.
Hello there, I see you are doing some work to improve the property. I was wondering though, isn’t there supposed to be a construction fence - black fabric? And extra ground runoff preventers?
Hi Angela,
Apologies for the delay in responding to your message. Unfortunately there was a malfunction with the webform. I've attached the email thread below sharing the tech difficulties and the resolution. We immediately tried to resolve this last night after it was brought to our attention during our attendance at the Sunset Beach Community Association. It is working fine now.
We have been following the permit approved by DPP and that is in conformance with all city and state regulations which calls for bio filter sock BMPs around the entire construction area to control runoff. These were put in place before any construction work began. These BMPs are in lieu of the black fabric fence you are referring to. We are very much committed to following the approved plan exactly.
Submitted content
Name: Denise Antolini
Aloha! In the spirit of open communication and cooperation, I am bringing to your attention 4 concerns: 1) can you modify this complaint hotline to allow the upload of photos? that would help you out as well to provide precise replies; 2) planters are not "continuous, abutting" (Settlement Agreement Para 12(a)) in two places - one gap, which appears intentional, in front of the Surf Shop and the (concrete anchor) corner gap near SeaMaids - this allows for employees/pedestrians to pass or jump through the barrier easily - I have observed "planter jumping" several times, please fix these gaps, 3) the existing plantings of kalo, while we appreciate those who are tending the kalo, do not "camouflage" the food trucks as required to 1.5ʻ (Para 12(a)) - the kalo is not sufficiently full (not will it fill in to that extent) and allows for spaces for "jumping" as well as fairly clear through-views of the food truck and seating areas, contrary to the agreement, 3) tour vans/buses are routinely parking along the shoulder of Kamehameha HIghway directly across from the food trucks and offloading customers who cross the highway into the development - this creates pedestrian hazards, traffic backup, and is not consistent with the intent of the agreement - para 17 "Developer agrees to prohibit parking or drop-off for tour vans, tour buses and tour operations at the Property." and to direct pedestrians to the cross walk. Developer should advise all tour operators and drivers not to park along the highway and to park only in legally allowed parking, and to tell their customers to use the crosswalk - or email/hand them instructions. Thank you for your attention these matters.
Aloha Denise,
Just wanted to let you know that your message has been received and your concerns are understood. Give us a day or two so that we can ask a few questions so we can make sure we provide you with accurate responses.
Submitted content
Name: Denise Antolini
Thank you very much!
I appreciate your prompt response and that you will look into these issues.
Aloha Denise - Responses to your concerns below.
We hope that these answers give some clarity. We appreciate the spirit of collaboration and open communication and will continue to make efforts to respond in good faith. To date we have accommodated nearly every request, most not required under the settlement but reasonable and understandable.
Submitted content
Name: Denise Antolini
Dear HP,
Thank you for your prompt and helpful response.
I appreciate the information and the actions you are taking on these issues.