September 2021 Updates
October 30, 2021

SMA Minor Construction

New BMPs as designed in the SMA Minor permit were put in place before any sitework commenced. At the direction of the DPP inspector we have removed BMPs where the construction is complete and the grass is in place. The construction of the SMA Minor is nearing completion. We are still awaiting a final inspection from HECO and DPP to close out the permit and remove all remaining BMPs. Signs were posted facing both inside and outside the property directing pedestrians to use the crosswalk at Pupukea Road. Hanapohaku submitted a fence permit for the remaining portion along Pahoe Road on May 19th. The permit was issued on July 7th. In accordance with the settlement agreement, construction began in August and was completed on August 19th. Landscaping has been put in place around this new portion of fence.

Tenant Compliance

All trucks completed their required two moves in September. Single-use plastics, plastic straws, and non-reef-safe sunscreen continue to be prohibited for all tenants. Tour buses continue to be prohibited from the site. All tenants have been notified to remind customers to use the crosswalk at Pupukea Road when crossing Kamehameha Highway. Any signs within 30 feet of the highway have been removed.

Baseline Inspection Report and Compliance

Inspectors from DPP visited the property unannounced in February, and conducted a baseline inspection of the entire property. Hanapohaku and others received the report on February 23rd. Hanapohaku has since reviewed the report including the photos and required changes described in it. All tents required to be removed were immediately taken down. The signs included in the report have all been removed. The electrical violations have been addressed and are awaiting a final inspection at the completion of the SMA minor construction. 

Website Information

All Hotline inquiries have been posted to the website. Communication thread with responses posted below. A monthly update with all required information was posted to the website on September 30, 2021.

Submitted content

Name: John Thielst

The last few Saturdays that has been live music played behind the old dentist office with flyers been put out to attract people. The music can be heard all through out the area. Believe these both go against the agreement per sections: 16. Tourist Trap Prohibitions. Developer agrees to prohibit the usage of “hawking,” inflatable figures, toys, or structures, sign twirlers, tents, lights, and signage in violation of applicable laws, signage within 30 feet of the highway, and signage extending further than three feet beyond the exterior of any building or food truck, except for educational and traffic safety signage referenced in Paragraphs 12 and 13. Developer, on behalf of itself and on behalf of its tenants, also agrees not to advertise in any media primarily targeting tourists. 18. Nuisance. Developer agrees to comply with federal, state, and city laws regarding noise, odors, dust, fumes, and other nuisances from the Property that impact residents of Pahoe Road, other neighbors, or users of the Pūpūkea Beach Park and MLCD. Developer agrees to prohibit the use of the Property for events that cater primarily to tourists rather than the immediate residential community


Hi John. We received your message and have talked with the owners of the Sunrise Shack. They confirmed that there was music played in the afternoon but they did not produce any flyers for this. If you can send us an image of the flyer we will be sure to follow up with them and look further into who the targeted audience was. They confirmed that they did not advertise in any media primarily targeting tourists and that it was primarily for local folks to enjoy. Regarding noise, our understanding is that the sound was in compliance with all federal, state, and city laws for that time of day. We will continue to monitor this and enforce compliance with the settlement agreement. 




Hanapohaku has not received a copy of any flyer to review as of today.


"McCully's Corner has become a very special place for my family."
Teri Davis
Pupukea Resident